Randomness Of The Demented Superhero

I am a confused man. I don’t understand the worldly ways. Identity, success, money. What do they even mean? Can they be applied in the similar manner to everyone’s life? Or their perception differs from one person to another?

I understand and crave for genuine happiness. Sometimes identity fulfils this need, and sometimes the success and money fulfil it. But what confuses me is, whether they are a bootstrapped entity.

If I figure out the purpose of my life, and gain enough clarity, but I can’t quantify it in terms of money and success, does that mean I have failed in life? Does too much money blind me in my pursuit of identity? Frankly, I don’t know. To me, all these things stem out from happiness.

When I was a kid, everybody told me stories about Einstein. They told me that he was the most intelligent man ever born, and that he came up with something called Theory of Relativity. There was a point of time I was fascinated by Edison’s story. He was a self built man, and he knew commerce. My science books glorified him. The man wasn’t a genius himself, but he understood talent, acquired talent, and then monetized their products with his sheer power of exhibitionism.  Then I came across Nikola Tesla. A brilliant man. One of the most brilliant people I have ever read about. He has some contribution or the other ranging from current to x-rays to sonar. He did what he wanted to. But the man never made money, died penniless, and eccentric.

How to be successful

Who was more successful then?

We rave about Einstein, but did we ever understand him, when he so beautifully pointed out that, nothing can be defined, generalized. Because definitions, life is a relative thing. Different people perceive it differently. To some, success means money, fame, being ahead in the rat race. For others success is achieving personal goals, ambitions. Their race is against themselves, not others. Both have their perceptions. So, why narrow it down? Why not expand success’s horizon? Who are we to label good or bad. Again, I am a confused man. I just understand happiness.

Why can’t we learn to live in peace with each other? What gives us the power to judge someone, when we barely know them? Can’t atheists and theists learn to live in harmony and respect secularism? Would you like it if everyone was the same way? Ate, wore, shat the same way you did? Why are we called human if the sole aim in our life is to ape others.

Learn. Learn. Learn. Use the internet. It’s the bicycle for your mind. Expand your understanding.

Identity crisis is something that some of us are really comfortable with. I grew up in northeastern India. Nobody I talk to, know where Aizawl is. I am from Balasore. Nobody knows where that is either. I would say that Aizawl is not in Assam or Meghalaya, and Odissi isn’t the language spoken in Odisha.

Someday I would elaborate on identity crisis. It’s something many of us would have been plagued with in our lives. But sadly, today is not the day.

Pardon me for the randomness. Words have the ability to soothe your anxiety at times. These are my words speaking, I am just the medium. I just understand happiness.

2 thoughts on “Randomness Of The Demented Superhero

  1. ahem ahem Baba now speaks on beyond world and conveys beyond words!! 😉 good one Sars. \M/(did i get the salute right?!)

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